JOYWORLD Expands to Flow Blockchain with Launch of 'JOYWORLD Portals' Series

JOYWORLD Flowverse

The JOYWORLD Portal series is a game-changer for the NFT art world and John Orion Young's art. With only 11 editions available, the excitement was palpable as the auction for "JOYWORLD Portal, Sandstone Headland" opened on the Flow Blockchain through Versus. The bidders were thrilled to be a part of the action and to chat with the artist, John Orion Young, himself. And the results were historic - selling for a staggering 7769.69 Flow, making it the top sale for an art auction on Versus to date.

This exciting expansion to the Flow Blockchain marks a new frontier for JOYWORLD and John Orion Young's art. The series promises to offer even more immersive and interactive experiences for art collectors and enthusiasts alike. So keep your eyes peeled for what's next from JOYWORLD on the Flow Blockchain!

Check out the JOYWORLD Portal series on Versus now.

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