Revolutionary Artwork Lays the First Brick for Museum of Crypto Art's Genesis Collection!


The Museum of Crypto Art (MOCA) has just made history by acquiring a JOY, a unique and innovative NFT, for their permanent Genesis Collection. This subset of the MOCA Permanent Collection will feature only one artwork per artist who made a positive impact on the NFT space prior to December 2020.

Laying the First Brick JOY represents the spirit of courage and creativity, embodied by the brick that is laid, over and over again, as a foundation for new beginnings. With this acquisition, MOCA has secured a place in the annals of art history as a leading institution that recognizes and celebrates the importance of NFTs in the world of contemporary art.

Get ready to experience the magic of JOY and the revolutionary spirit of NFTs at the Museum of Crypto Art. Let's start building a new foundation for art, together!

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